Wednesday, March 15, 2006

and the kindness of strangers

yesterday i bit it again, under entirely the same circumstances as the last (and first) time i wiped out (see below for re-post from other blog as even was pre-this blog). i even re-scrubbed the same exact place on my elbow, like in "dead men don't wear plaid" when steve martin gets shot in the same hole in his shoulder three times. and this time i totally ravaged my knee and the blood streamed down my leg on the bus. i had a heinous sinus headache and was bleeding on the bus and i was sad and whimpered. but then this nice lady subtly stuffed a packet of kleenex into my mitt and saved the day, so i could blow my gross nose and wipe up my blood, sweat and tears. she called me sweetie when she got off at her stop, and even the bus driver asked if i was OK. a lovely opposite interaction with strangers as the weird ones i talked about yesterday.

after i peel off the fancy 3M bandage i will photograph the gore for ya. yes!

from feb. 7:
it was heading back to thai town from sanmo somewhere around 3:00 am that i bit it on the streets of beverly hills, craning my head to see if the bus was coming on some under-construction pavement where the street was much lower than the sidewalk. hence the gnarly flesh wound on my elbow. i would like to be tougher about the whole thing but holy smokes does this little critter throb. ouch!


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