Monday, March 20, 2006

seen and heard

on public transport last few days:

friday, a man from arizona, adrian, who used his income tax return to come visit his sister and party, asked me many questions about what i like to do in my spare time and if i go to school or have a boyfriend and if i got my clothes for free or paid for them and if i'm from la (because he has a second sense about these things) and wanted to become my best pal on the bus. i resisted because he was dry-shaving his head and face with a disposable rasor on the bus. interesting pickup technique, adrian. this is the second weirdest thing i've seen someone do; the first weirdest is the guy who was using a lighter to burn his hand.

on the subway home friday, i saw a white man asleep on four boxes of comic books, and a black man wearing a rumpled golden crown and draped in probably 20 yellow beaded necklaces, perched atop a lot of luggage bursting at the seems.

this morning on a very crowded wilshire rapid, a black drag queen with crimped hair was complaining to his protegé (who was wearing overalls with only one buckle done up, and a plaid top and pigtails) that he would never learn and thus the mentor would be stuck tutoring him forever. then he yelled "hey! hey! hey girl!" and, not being the only girl on the bus, i didn't respond until he yelled "hey girl in the green blouse!*". so i said "oh?" and then he complemented me (in much more dulcet tones) on my "very nice, really nice" (but actually super-crap) boombox that i was taking for work. well thanks!

then on my way home from the metro stop tonight i saw a woman wearing a showgirl outfit, with thigh highs, garters, a corset, and ruffled panties walking in the rain to her car. she needs a trench coat, methinks.

plus, yesterday we six going to the concert had such excellent public transport luck that we decided someone must have put out pudding for the mta gods. woohoo!

*whoah he said blouse! only my grandma says that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey kid, this is the first time i checked out psa's blog. i didn't realize your transiting-it involved such a crazy cast. you should sketch them and make psa comics/illustrated novels (what's the difference anyway?). ill be a more timely reader in the future.

im on a between class break right now--i made it through my first class without getting homework (goal!)--so i can peruse your lit at my leisure without the slightest guilt...

11:49 AM  

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